Welcome to Kronovet Realty Co.

About Us

Our Story

Coming to America in 1872 Robert Kronovet’s family’s first order of business was establishing a home for their children. Back then as now the American dream of home ownership has remained unchanged. The hard work of property ownership has shatter the class system that people have been trapped by for thousands of years.

The drive to educate, teach, house and love each other established these new Americans as not only citizens but as community stake holders as well. In 1882 Robert Kronovet’s great grand parents bought their first house in Hartford, Connecticut.

The pride of ownership was so strong that several of the children and their grand children went on to t law school, established brokerage companies and went as far as one could in defending private property rights, landing as a full professor at Harvard University (Harold Berman, Esq.) The dedication and commitment to property rights combined with the practice of fair and even dealings is a long established tradition for Kronovet Realty Companies.

Beginning in New York in the late 50's Saul Duff Kronovet Esq. believed in the power and importance of real estate and private property rights. For over 50 years Saul and Robert have both worked to ensure that Rent Control Boards in New York and in California will no longer recognize nor promote the unnatural conflict between supply and demand in our housing industry.

From the beginning Saul's law practices was interwoven with his expertise and personal believe in the apartment business. It's steady growth and community importance gave many people quality places to live. Where their children's dream and hopes of their future could be fulfilled, based on merit and hard work, not social class.Saul Duff Kronovet, a tax lawyer and the president of Consolidated Properties, Mr. Kronovet specialized in real estate.

Our Code

At Kronovet Realty Company we pledge to treat each individual with appropriate respect, dignity and thoughtfulness: this is our Standard. In which we will and can backup it up in any public or private setting.

I love the real-estate business with all my heart as a licensed real estate broker and former elected official in the city of Santa Monica I am obligated by document and tradition to make effort to improve the system all the way up-and-down the line , from government to the private sector this is one of core pledges of our company. We stand for private property rights with a proper respect for tenants and a clear and published understanding that owners and tenants depend on each other. We do not cotton to the false and make up conflict between the supply and demand equation of the housing business.

From Market rate housing, to senior housing, home purchase, section 8 housing , military housing any time a human being is desiring housing United States I feel obligated to participate in advancing the quality and the service is on every level without apology . Day-to-day we deal with customers with excellence and class.... I service is imbalance between supply and demand of the housing equation which has become primary news across the nation

Kronovet Realty Company clients, owners , customers , vendors and all men or women we interface with: can be expected to be treated and enjoy professional dialog our office is capable of producing on a day-to-day business basis . Our code is the noble pursuit of the higher elegant and appropriate real estate positioning a licensed brokerage office can offer it's citizens for generations of Americans to enjoy.

Our Milestone

Robert's swearing in December 9. 2008 Santa Monica City Hall

Thank you again for your support in my successful campaign for election to the Santa Monica Rent Control Board, I could never have done it without you. Since becoming your Commissioner, I am working on issues that will make Santa Monica rent control work for everyone; tenants, housing providers, all our residents alike.

Some of the important issues like: better parking for all residents, public safety, fair & balanced development, responsive local government and improvements in our public school facilities are my priorities. Public Safety is my top priority, all else stems from a well funded, responsive and growing police and fire departments. To that end I have regular meetings with Chief Jackman and Chief Horn plus various community offices and SMPD & SMFD staff.

In regard to improving our housing stock, I attend both the ACTION and AAGLA apartment owners meeting plus I communicate on a regular basis with the SMRR leadership. Additionally as a CAR director I attend all the California Association of Realtor (CAR) conventions as well as the Housing California Workshops. As your Commissioner I work with both the supply and demand equation of our housing industry, this is the best policy regarding improving our supply of quality housing stock and defending growth that benefits our residents.

As the Chairman of the Pico Improvement Organization (PIO) I stand up for small business owners because they create jobs. I have a firm commitment for job creation, because it leads to dignity and self esteem the first two ingredients to success and prosperity for our nation.

Having put two of our three children thru our school system (our last is still at SAMO), the success of SMMUSD is on my plate daily. Good schools lead to good jobs, and jobs sustain our city. From the days of Ben Franklin the health and vitality of local schools has always been at the fore front of every elected official. I am proud to put the time and energy into our great school system. The lives of all of us are touched by its prosperity.

I want to hear from you about your issues and concerns. Again you have my heartfelt thanks for your help in my election to Santa Monica Rent Control Board

Our Parnter

Agent Alan Stamm

Mr. Stamm is a successful investor, businessman and close friend of the Kronovet’s. Mr. Stamm is originally from Ohio where his family business’s ranged from banking to insurance. His understanding of finance, computer technologies, construction and management will be a welcomed and sought after set of skills for his investors, property owners and his buyers.

Alan is Proud Realtor member

Alan's direct line is310-261-0689

Email: Alanstamm@gmail.com

For Any Information Call Us

(310) 829-9303